Changing Horses - The Film
How horses change people, so people can change the world!
As the producer/director of the documentary "Changing Horses", Esta Bernstein is uncovering the depths of the horse/human dynamic from people all over the globe.
"Changing Horses" explores the personal stories of how horses change people, so people can change the world. Through interviewing prominent individuals in the equine community, we discuss some very complex issues regarding our human value systems, and how we can adjust our societal beliefs to ensure our survival as a species.
Through the teachings of horses, we can realize how much we have disconnected from our true nature, and why the things mainstream society wants us to believe, are nothing more than illusions.
Please join us on this amazing journey of the horse consciousness, and stay tuned for sneak previews of some amazing interviews!
Meet the Crew!

Esta Bernstein Producer/Director
Director of Photography/Sound
Sr. Editor
Executive Producer - Ashley Reign
Post Production - Jim Hill
Legal - Michelle Jenab
Writers - The Horses
This film is entirely inspired by the horses! They asked us to get their message out to the masses, so that we could all discover, not who we are, but WHAT we are! They know that once you explore their teachings, and why they are really here, you may look at the world with a whole new perspective and awareness!
Contact us to see how you can participate and make a real difference in our future!